My solution to connect an Tecnomagnete QX303UMK6 EPM (Electro-Permanent Magnet) chuck to an ST120F controller.
In this video, I clean up a Barker PM horizontal mill convert it to CNC.
This is an editing controller macro pad thing I designed and built specifically for speeding up my video editing workflow in Davinci Resolve.
How to disable the chuck shield disconnect switch on Vevor (and other) mini lathes.
An explanation of how to convert g-code files to .jg files for use with Suda CNC machines.
This is how you can install ROS2 (Jazzy Jalisco) on a Raspberry Pi 5, easily and without using Docker.
If you work with Raspberry Pis or other single-board computers, then you’ll want to check out my review of the Elecrow CrowView Note.
Now that coreXY has become the de facto layout for fast printing, we have to ask ourselves: are delta 3D printers still relevant?
It turns out that 8-track technology is actually really interesting! To prove it, I created an interactive game on 8-track.
This is the cheapest possible way that I know of to start experimenting with full spectrum and infrared photography!