Category: Electronics
Is the Light L16 the Most Bizarre Camera in History?
The Light L16 is so bizarre. It has 16 individual lenses and sensors arranged on its front face like some sort of demented spider. It runs Android. It technically fits in a pocket!
Operation, but Horny
Just a simple Arduino project to make an Operation game with custom sound effects! Uses an Arduino Nano R3 development board and DFRobot DFPlayer Mini MP3 player. I also explain how to get the “cartoon” voice sound effects using Adobe Audition.
Landline Phone Makes Video Calls!
I stumbled across concept art from the 1980s of a Videotex telephone concept and turned it into a real, functional retro-style video phone!
Compass Lock Escape Room Puzzle
A compass lock puzzle for escape rooms! I challenged my wife to see if she could beat it.
Text message wall display (LuvNoots)
A wall-mounted display that shows text messages, so you can leave notes for your loved ones.
KaboomBox – An RFID 8-Track Player
A vintage Panasonic “Dynamite” 8-track player with modern RFID electronics.
SubscriberBoard – a Home Assistant-connected oversized 7-segment display
A Home Assistant-controlled wall display for YouTube subscriber count, weather information, and time.
Dead E. Ruxpin – Cassette Tape-Controlled Animatronic Halloween Bear
Bringing a spooky teddy bear to life with cassette tape-controlled animatronics.