Author: Cameron Coward
Reviewing the DNSYS X1 Exoskeleton
This is an interesting one, folks! I got my hands on a DNSYS X1 exoskeleton, which just launched on Kickstarter.
Crypto for Kids: The Pigzbe Ploy
Exposing Pigzbe, which was a company, device, and app (launched on Kickstarter, of course) designed specifically for the Wollo cryptocurrency and marketed to parents for kids.
Zune was really good, actually
Diving into the history of Microsoft’s Zune line of MP3 players, the reasons that they failed, and how they compared to Apple iPods. I also take a look at Zune in the modern era and the modding scene.
Is Buyee a Legit Way to Bid in Japanese Auctions?
I recently heard about Buyee because they sponsored a Snappiness video I was watching. It’s a service that lets you bid on Japanese auctions. They act as an intermediary and ship the package to you internationally. I wanted to see if it was legit or a scam, so I bought an unusual camera (an Olympus…
How to Run Lytro Desktop Software on Windows 11
If you’re here reading this, it is probably because you bought a Lytro camera and you’re having trouble getting the Lytro Desktop software to run on Windows 11. I was in the same boat, but I found a solution! This will let you import the photos from your Lytro camera (both the Illum and the…
Is the Light L16 the Most Bizarre Camera in History?
The Light L16 is so bizarre. It has 16 individual lenses and sensors arranged on its front face like some sort of demented spider. It runs Android. It technically fits in a pocket!
3DMakerpro Seal 3D Scanner Review
Reviewing 3DMakerpro’s Seal 3D scanner. I have mixed feelings about 3D scanners in general, but this one works relatively well.
Operation, but Horny
Just a simple Arduino project to make an Operation game with custom sound effects! Uses an Arduino Nano R3 development board and DFRobot DFPlayer Mini MP3 player. I also explain how to get the “cartoon” voice sound effects using Adobe Audition.